Friday, September 25, 2009

First Men Against Rape Meeting

Hello Everyone!
Tonight we had our first men against rape meeting! We do not have a set meeting day or time. Ross will be posting his available dates within the next week. Tonight we went over;
  • MAR should be a group where men can have space to openly talk about violence, and to reach out to men that are not in the feminist scene.
  • Our main goal is to get visability at UCF, examples would be; tabeling at orientation, tabeling outside Student Union, Facebook, bulletin boards, and interfacing with Greeks and other organizations?!
  • We would like to hold small events for such organizations so everyone can see what MAR is about, for example getting Michael Freeman and Dr. Young to speak.
  • We dicussed having just the men in the group going to the frats and men only being able to be appointed officers.
  • We want to promote on our advertising by including strong messages & direct images.
  • We plan on all raised money to go to Animal Safehouse.
  • We all agree this should be a consensus democracy, meaning everyone agrees!

Hope to see everyone at the next meeting! Feel free to e-mail Ross with any questions.

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