Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Men Against Rape: When to Meet?

Finding a meeting time that is good for everyone is turning into quite the challenge. Here's the ugly truth: if we're going to meet on weekdays It will have to be after 5. That's when the people who have been most responsive have indicated will work for them. Weekends seem to be free, but I can't tell how free.

Here are four possible meeting times:
Wednesday at 5:30-7:00
Friday at 5:30-7:00
Saturday at 3:00-4:30
Sunday at 3:00-4:30

Please vote! Indicate the ONE meeting time that is your preference. Please also indicate which of the other 3 you would be able to attend. Vote either here on the blog or in an email addressed to me. Votes are due this Friday by midnight, anything I get after that will be too late.

If you cannot make the meetings, don't fret. You will still be able to participate in club projects and get service learning hours. No one will be left out in the cold.


  1. Wednesday!!!!

    I absolutely cannot make Sunday. Fri is a possibility but I might miss a few meetings. Also, I ahve some guy friends who want to join :)

  2. Friday works for me, or Saturday.

    (although I wish it were earlier Sat)

  3. I thought this posted before but...

    Wednesday is the only day I can commit to on a regular basis but... I have class until 5:45. :(

  4. Wednesday and Friday both work for me!

  5. I've extended the deadline by 24 hours to be fair to those voting by email. Please remember to mention if any of the times besides your favorite would be possible for you.
