Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sex on the Lawn

Sex on the Lawn Wednesday, October 28th

Sign Up Sheet

We Need:

Tables (5)
Tents (2)
Bubbles (3 bottles)
People to bring cameras (3) ps. you have download and share soon after the event :)
Water (2 packs)
Candy (2 bags)
Popsicles (5 boxes)

Gathering information for the Men's Health Table (vox has some)
Tabling the day of 10am-3pm
Setting up 9-10am
Cleaning up 2:30-3:15pm
Making signs before the event
Making a condom outfit or condom hat

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I am interested in helping out for Sex on the Lawn. On Wednesday I can help from 10-2 with anything! Let me know!

    Robyn Doty
