Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Closing Remarks, sort of...

First, this was one of the most AMAZING classes I have had the pleasure of teaching and I'm thrilled you were with me through our first offering of Masculinities. It was more challenging than I anticipated to have some of the discussions we did and I was consistently impressed with how you handled them--passionately but with respect. Our classroom community was one that many professors can only hope for. You all challenged each other and (especially;) me and I appreciated the energy and enthusiasm you brought each Thursday. I will definitely miss it. We should have a masculinities reunion. Or actually have another feminist dinner party (some of you were at the first one a couple years ago and it rocked). I will also continue to work with and help grow Men Against Rape so I hope to see many of you at meetings and events. Hopefully meetings won't conflict with my class schedule as they did this semester... I strongly encourage you to work with and/or continue working with Men Against Rape; support is especially important for new organizations.

I know the class is over but the blog is still here. I will teach this class f2f in the Fall and online in the Summer (most likely) so it will be very active during those semesters but I would like to keep it active throughout the year, whether or not it's a class requirement. So feel free to continue posting and checking it (you can get RSS feeds when someone posts or just check in periodically). I will keep you as contributors/authors unless you would prefer to be taken off. If that is the case, just send me an email and I'll remove you as an author.

Also, if you would like to continue working with Animal Safehouse, please let me know by email and I will put you on our email/call lists.

Enjoy your break/holidays and I hope to see you all in the near future. Thanks again for a wonderful and challenging semester. xo, Leandra

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