Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days

My favorite types of movies are romantic comedies. As I was thinking about romantic comedies that relate to this class the movie, “How to Lose a guy in 10 days,” popped into my head; the film starring Kate Hudson and Mathew McConaughey. Since I will be discussing a different film related to masculinity for the film review, I figured that I would post a short review about this movie and its relation to masculinity.
How to Lose a Guy in 10 days is about a woman who works for a magazine called Composure. She is sick and tired about writing the same stuff, so she assigned herself the “How to” beat. Her story is How to Lose a guy in 10 days. In the movie, she dates a guy doing all of the “wrong” things in order to complete her “How to” article. McConaughey is a successful businessman who thinks he can make any woman fall in love with him in just 10 days; however, the two individuals are not aware of each other’s motives.
This film relates to our “Theories of Masculinity” class in several ways. Masculinity has many different meanings and you can define masculinity in several ways. When I think of a masculine guy I think of someone who is tough, smart, confident, and a guy who is able to get what he wants. I realize that my opinions of masculinity are very narrow-minded, but by taking this class I’ve learned that masculinity is much more that just a macho guy. I also think this movie portrays guys in a very narrow-minded mindset. This movie portrays to viewers that guys are in fact able to get what they want, even when it comes to women. I think that Hudson gives McConaughey a real run for his money by doing exactly the opposite of what a guy wants. This movie proves that women have the same amount of power in a relationship as men.

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