Saturday, November 6, 2010

Reporting on Diva Invasion

Click this link to watch Diva Invasion

“Diva Invasion: The event that brings you over the top,” was the slogan of last nights Diva Invasion fundraiser at UCF’s Venue.

This was a female and male impersonation review performance led by 12 Drag Queens and one Drag King. These were professional performers from all over Florida who compete in pageants.

The circus was the theme, which surrounded the night, with performers and entertainment from the UCF Juggling Club, Orlando’s AntiGravity acrobatic group, Twisted Trystan, a man who swallows swards, and male and female body balancers.

Since 1996, the club “Equal”; the gay, lesbian, bisexual student union, organized the fundraiser. It, of course, welcomed people of all sexual orientations and was intended to celebrate the gay, lesbian, and transgender community. This year, over 1,000 people attended the event.

Gabrielle Shulruff, Vice President of external affairs for Equal, said the goal of Diva Invasion is to bring awareness to the UCF student body while enjoying a fantastic production.

A portion of the proceeds will be going to “The Zebra Coalition,” a foundation that helps youth in need of shelter, and Equal will receive the remaining profits. Equal plans on using some of the proceeds towards lobby days, where the clubs takes its members to Tallahassee to fight for their rights.

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