Friday, November 18, 2011

I am Not a Rapist

I was looking for an article online that came to mind last class when I came across this article about reporting rape, or lack thereof. What surprised me, and I knew this before but being reminded of it shocked me again, was that rape victim's insurance companies or rape victims themselves often have to foot the bill for the processing of rape kits. The author puts it best when mentioning that this is the only crime in which victims have to pay police to do their job. It is so unfortunate that society views rape in such a way as to not burden itself with having to pay to solve some of the most heinous of crimes.
The article I was looking for was first presented to me in my initial women's studies course textbook. It is by one of my favorite feminist/ gender studies authors John Stoltenberg. His work focuses mainly on sex, violence, pornography and power, but this particular article seems to fit perfectly with what we have discussed in class about men, rape, and their responsibility. "'I Am Not A Rapist!': Why College Guys Are Confronting Sexual Violence," is definitely worth a read if you get the chance.

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