Thursday, December 1, 2011

Rise Up UCF

I attended the Rise Up UCF rally today to support the cause and not only had a blast, but was impressed by the turnout and movement of my fellow students. It was refreshing to see such passion for a cause and to hear so many eloquent speakers trying to make a difference. And I think we did make a difference, we were heard, and I was happy to see that many of the legislators took flyers containing the information about our protest. I think we raised awareness through the march and entire rally. Not only were we a sight to be seen, but many people joined the cause as we made our way around campus spreading the word. I can only hope that this opened the eyes and ears of the people in office making such devastating decisions such as cutting Bright Futures and financial aid, raising tutition, and dividing the voting districts to suppress the voices of us students. I have attached a link to UCF's Knight News which contains an article and video of the event.

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