Thursday, October 25, 2012

Meredith Vierra Flirts with Contestant

I've recently been noticing how female hosts on TV flirt with male guests in a way that wouldn't be accepted if the sexes were reversed. I noticed it first in an interview in which Kelly Ripa flirted with Ryan Lochte. However, I couldn't find that video on Youtube, but in my search I came across this video. Here, Meredith Vierra actually refers to herself as an "old, horny woman" and jokes that the contestant can" put it anywhere you wanna put it." I believe if Vierra was a male host and the contestant a female, there would be a public uproar for these comments. Because a woman makes them, they are somehow acceptable. Take a look!

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree. Society makes very one-sided rules regarding the do's and dont's of what is acceptable. When men flirt in such a way, it is considered disrespectful and unprofessional.Women however can get away with it because many consider us to be less harmful and aggressive.
    Whitney Scott
