Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The article I chose is titled "What Honest Abe's Appetite Tells Us About His Life" published by NPR on February 17th, 2014. The reason I am blogging about this article is because it is fascinating to learn that  Lincoln put on a blue apron after a day's work at his law office and helped his wife cook dinner. Also, there are other stories about him cooking for the family after his mother died and cooking for his brothers as they journeyed down to New Orleans on a flatboat. Who knew the 16th President of the United States participated in domestic duties that are attributed historically to women? He is a representation of breaking the model of masculinity by his egalitarian sharing of domestic duties with his wife.

Another interesting story that the article mentions is that during one of their famous debates that catapult Lincoln into the national spotlight and the presidency was how Lincoln grew tired of the constant false praises from Senator Douglas. So, to make him stop, Lincoln told a story from his childhood. He talked about how he once shared gingerbread cookies his mother made with a neighboring boy, who then told him that "there's nobody who likes gingerbread as much as I do, and nobody who gets as little as I do." So Lincoln was contrasting that to how he doesn't get much flattery, and here Douglas was heaping it on him, you know, falsely," Eighmey says.


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