Monday, April 21, 2014

You Go, Planned Parenthood!

I have never thought of Planned Parenthood as a progressive organization.  I simply saw them as the birth control and abortion go to place that filled a space that governments could not occupy.
Visiting their website has given me a whole new outlook on their mission.
They even address gender and gender stereotypes and provide information about how to respond to gendering.
A Quote from the site
"We see gender stereotypes all around us. We also may see sexism. There are ways to challenge these stereotypes to help everyone, no matter their gender or gender identity, feel equal."
  • Point it out.
  • Walk the talk 
  • Speak up 
  • Give it a try 
If you have been struggling with gender or gender identity, you’re not alone. It may help you to talk to a trusted parent, friend, family member, teacher, or professional counselor."

I grew up in the eighties where planned parenthood type organizations were the go to abortion place. They are so much more, working to help us all understand gendering and its confines aand giving us ideas on how to combat it:)

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