Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Photographer Jess T. Dugan challenges ideas about masculinity and identity in "Every Breath We Drew"

In her project titled "Every Breath We Drew," photographer Jess T. Dugan creates intimate portraits of people in their homes, exploring "gender, sexuality, identity, and community from a highly personal, intimate and humanistic point of view." As a photographer, I really appreciate the intimacy and vulnerability in her photos. They show a sense of introspection and make you question personal definitions of masculinity and sexuality. There is nudity in her pictures, but its non-sexualized and unashamed nakedness that isn't typically shown in movies or magazines. Her work creates a connection between viewer and subject. Here is a buzzfeed article about Every Breath We Drew that contains some of her pictures. The project has been ongoing for over a decade, and she has published a book of her photographs you can get here. Her work happens to be on display at Rollins College in Winter Park (25 minutes from main campus). You can find more info on that here. This is the cover of her book and one of the photographs in her project:

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