Sunday, November 29, 2015

Being Too Sensitive

More often then not, when a woman attempts to engage in some sort of productive conversation about feminism, or a black person attempts to discuss race issues, or any oppressed group attempts to engage in discourse about the subjugation they face, the conversation is derailed. Why is it that the group in power feels the need to talk over the oppressed group? White people always seem to be talking over black people. Men always seem to be talking over women. Masculinity teaches men-especially white men- that their manhood is directly connected to the amount of power they hold. When a position of power is questioned, so is their very manhood. Seeing as though white men are the holders of power, it makes sense that they employ all sorts of derailing tactics when it comes to discussing things like street harassment. A favorite tactic of derailment is the notion of women being "too sensitive." Sensitivity is a hot topic around social justice topics, and is so clearly a manipulative way to silence and shame oppressed groups. I don't think it's a coincidence that "sensitivity" is portrayed as an abhorrent characteristic trait in a patriarchal culture that forbids any sense of feeling or empathy in masculinity.

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