Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Toxic Masculinity

Toxic Masculinity

A recent review for the new movie GOAT, outlines an ongoing problem of fraternity hazing. Fraternity's promise a brotherhood, an unbreakable bond between frat brothers, along with great parties, and a very memorable college experience. Hazing is done during pledge weak to separate the "men" from the "weak". The movie illustrates how hazing has gone too far in our society. These men are emasculating, and tortured only to prove they are masculine. How ironic? To say that masculinity is socially constructed is an understatement. This behavior is not built into our genes, it is learned. This type of behavior becomes normalized, and has been the society norm for fraternity's for years. I remember when my brother joined a fraternity at FSU, how his grades suffered that first semester because he was consumed with pledge week, and becoming a part of his fraternity. A fraternity, who, years later was shut down due to a hazing scandal. I never thought much about what he endured then, but it makes me sad to think about it now. I'm sure if you asked him today, if he would do it all again, he would say "in a heartbeat". We sacrifice a lot in our lives to belong, to be a part of something bigger.

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