Monday, November 14, 2016

Comfortable Nathan

I am stating the obvious, blogging is not my strong suite.  My current course load has brought awareness to my surroundings and the changing face of cultures. Living and working in what some call “the bible belt” and having been taught if it’s different, it’s wrong; I guess you can say that studying Women’s Studies has enlightened me.
Over the past ten years I have watched my Harley riding, leather vest and pants wearing, Justin boot stomping friend Nathan evolve into his true identity. He now favors all things pink, including skinny jeans with bedazzled back pockets; but he’s happy.  Shunned at work and secretly labeled as confused; I can honestly say he is happier with his transition.  He is more comfortable cross dressing than he was in leather and riding his Harley. 
An August 9, 2016 issue of the Advocate  highlights Chris Mosier who made history as the first publicly known transgender person to be named to Team USA.  Mosier represented the U.S. at the Duathlon World Championships in Spain and was the first transgender athlete in a Nike ad. Mosier is true to himself and is comfortable with who he is. Mosier’s quote "your limits are only defined by you" sums my friend Nathan. An accomplished computer programmer who can program and repair computers doesn’t have any limitations. The very environment that has frowns on his choice of attire can’t limit him choice of expression for life.

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