Thursday, November 17, 2016

Hegemonic Masculinity and Donald Trump

Hegemonic Masculinity and Donald Trump 

Hegemonic masculinity is defined as the current configuration of practice that legitimizes men's dominant position in society and justifies the subordination of women, and other marginalized ways of being a man. This concept had been previously discussed back in discussion two and I did not think much about it until thinking about a blog post. Now when reading again and with everything that has been going on in the world, it made me think about Donald Trump and how is he a perfect example of someone who expresses hegemonic masculinity. I came across this article on storify that spoke about him and his display of certain behaviors as a way to prove his masculinity. Donald Trump is loud and aggressive and often speaks in such sexist ways. He bullies others, he speaks so loud to hush out anyone else talking (especially women), and uses childlike hand gestures to show his dominance. Trump constantly flaunts his money and power and surrounds himself with young beautiful women
 Image result for hegemonic masculinity and donald trump
“Two of our leading critical theorists Raymond Williams and Stuart Hall, remind us that hegemony in any political context is indeed fragile. It requires renewal and modification through the assertion and reassertion of power. Hall suggests that “it is crucial to the concept that hegemony is not a ‘given’ and permanent state of affairs, but it has actively won and secured’ it can also be lost” (Lull, 64). So based off of this hegemony must be constantly emphasized in order to remain constant which is why Trump is using his money, wealth, power and loudness to over exert his hegemonic attributes. While he may have other good attributes, all I see is bad ones. Granted this man is now the president elect so I will refrain from speaking my full opinion on him but he makes a great example of the patriarchal society that is so embedded in this country. I hope real change can still happen with our younger generations. 
Image result for hegemonic masculinity and donald trump 
Date Posted:11/17/2016

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