Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tyler Curry's The Strength in Being a Feminine Gay Man - A must read for all minorities.

Tyler Curry is a freelance columnist and fiction writer; who created “The Needle Prick Project”.  He updated his October 2013 blog, “The Strength in Being a Feminine Gay Man”.  Curry highlights the strength of gay men because the more feminine he is, it is extremely hard to escape physical attributes. The gay movement/community even pushes forth what he states as “the most handsome, athletic and masculine men in the leading roles”. These are the most chiseled, scruffy-jaw lined faces forward for everyone to see. The real strength can’t be seen on the forefront of the LGBT or on the cover of magazines. It is the gay man that can learn dance moves quickly, who had had to suffer bullying in school, who’s most beloved friend was a bedazzler and whose voice or feminine walk has cause him to suffer emotionally – who had real forte.
A great article on strength that can be applied to any minority group. Read the original article in the Huffington Post.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tyler-curry/the-strength-in-being-a-feminine-gay-man_b_3896302.htmlhttp://www.Huffingtonpost - The Strength in Being a Feminine Gay Man

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