Monday, August 28, 2017

The "Man" Box

           In relation to “Act like a Man: Introducing Masculinities” module I found a Ted Talk with Tony Porter describing the concept of the “man” box. In this video he describes the way how men are “taught to be tough, courageous, strong, and how men should be in charge” (Tony Porter Ted Talk: A Call to Men). This demonstrates the idea of the “man” box which enforces that  men are supposed to not cry, be tough, fight like a man, and be financial successful.  I inserted image below of what the “man” box looks like.

           Here we can see what the “man” box contains. It shows what men are described as and who they should be portrayed as. While the feelings of what any human would be feel should be locked in the confines of this box.  The Ted Talk link below goes more into depth of the image seen here and how men should break free of this “man” box.

1 comment:

  1. Angel - thanks for sharing. Apologizing for crying is something I've seen men do too - especially to their sons. I never understood why they did that especially for something like Tony spoke about - death.
