Friday, October 27, 2017

Do you have Mental Issues?

Do men have to be strong? Do they have to be a risk taker? Or how about a playboy or a lady’s man? Does that make a man a man? Is that something that society has placed on them? Depending on how you answer the questions will determine whether you believe male needs to be masculine in order to fit into society. In the Article "'As boys, we are told to be brave': men on masculinity and mental health” by Sarah Marsh. I believe that men are pressured to fulfill the stereotype of how a man should be, whether it is physically, emotionally or mentally. Apparently, it seems that the more men try to conform to what society demands the more psychological problems they develop. The thing is when that type of mentality is developed the masculine individual has a hard time getting the help that they need. The stereotypical man is usually a playboy. I believe that is just a lost boy. Men have these problems from all over the world and usually they don’t seek out help or family members tell them to be quiet and keep it to themselves. It just seems like masculinity can result into mental sickness like depression or even PTSD and only becomes a more serious problem because no one is seeking assistance. I think changing yourself to confirm with what society demands is scary and can cause permanent mental damage to an individual. They want to be in the spot light, they desire to be a risk taker and they are usually emotionally controlling as well. I think attempting to not place a stereotype based on society on males would overall be beneficial.

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