Thursday, October 26, 2017

Masculinity and Clothing

Module 2 :  Masculinity "those aspects of men's behavior that fluctuate over time" (Pascoe & Bridges 40). Masculinity and Clothing

After reading through the module I started to think about men's fashion and how different it looked a hundred years ago. Like masculinity, clothing styles changing with the times and through men's clothing you can see how our societal views of manliness have changed. The further back in time you go, the frillier and "girlier" the clothes tend to look. Frilly clothing was seen as a status symbol, the more frills you had the more money and status you had. If a man dressed like that today he might receive questioning glances or it might be assumed that he was attending a costume party. After looking at some of the clothing it helps to realize that masculinity is something that is constantly changing, it continues to change just as the fashion does.


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