Friday, October 27, 2017

Racialized Masculinities Prezi

After module 4 I was especially interested in finding other opinions on racialized masculinities which led me to an interested prezi that brought up some other interesting points that continued the conversation of racialized masculinities. One of the parts was where the author talks about “morphologies” of masculinity. It is where specific uses of racial stereotypes have become considered normal but when looked at under a lense they become distorted. For example the author uses the “Southern Gentleman.” When you think of a southern gentleman you think of a white man- leaving no room for a black gentleman, even though we know that that isn’t a correct line of thought. Like we talked about in class, there are some “morphologies” that leave room for racial diversity, such as sports, but the associations we make are rooted in stereotypes. The racialized masculinity is framed in our media/art and becomes “an extension of reality.” By studying these different themes and associations we can ask ourselves why these concepts exist in the first place. Those types of conversations led us to positive change and I believe that is what the author was getting at.

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