Monday, November 13, 2017

A New Take on Sexist Advertising

Since, we are talking about the power of advertising and media, I decided to share this new ad campaign that I came across. “The campaign, by women's suit-maker Suistudio, is called "Not Dressing Men." The ads consist of sharply dressed, suit-clad women striking powerful poses while naked men lounge in the background, reduced to the role women have so often played in advertising: objects.” Below are a couple of images from the campaign. Also on the website there is a short video that offers some commentary on how women are used in ads to sale things. This article stood out to me because this not only influences how women are taught to view themselves, but it also influences the way men learn to view women. I don’t necessary agree with the campaign because I think that it is wrong to objectify anyone. However, I understand that they are trying to spark real conversations about the dangers of advertising people, specifically women in this way. I find it interesting that at first glance these images were so jarring to me especially, because I constantly see women in ads that are far worse than this. We are so numb to seeing women’s bodies used as objects to sale things, that we barely bat an eye. However, seeing a little  male booty catches us off guard or becomes a huge deal. I am curious why this has all gone on for so long. How do we change it so that younger generations don’t grow up thinking that men are meant to be domineering, assholes that shouldn’t respect women. Or that women are submissive sex objects, unworthy/undeserving of respecting. 


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