Monday, November 20, 2017

Another Actress Steps Forward Accusing Tom Hanks...

Of Being Nice.

See Full Article Here

I got you there for a second. When I first read it too I was hoping it wouldn't finish the way that so many other headlines have finished recently, with sexual assault. Every time I see a new name pop up my heart skips a beat and I think, no, they wouldn't, but they did.

Havey Weinstein
Kevin Spacey
Topher Grace
Louis C.K.

People you wouldn't think to see on there. People you thought must be decent human beings. But no, they used their power and authority to sexually assault womyn. Notice they are all men. This dynamic has to change. This idea that because you're a powerful man that you should be able to do whatever you please. NO. There needs to be an end to it.

We need more men like Tom Hanks.

And with that, I will leave you with Sarah Silverman's thoughts on her friend, Louis C.K.:

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