Monday, November 20, 2017

'He Would Rather Have a Dead Son Than a Gay Son'

Jaime Grant, executive director of PFLAG National, an LGBTQ family and ally organization:
"Many 'normative' messages men learn as they are growing up about stuffing their feelings, policing other men's gender and sexuality, asserting 'dominance' from the boardroom to the bedroom, also show up in their lives as fathers."

I came across this article on Twitter—and not shockingly, I wasn’t surprised. The fear embedded in men of being gay or being associated with a gay man is so paralyzing that it manifests itself in acts of violence. This particular one is a mix of gun violence and parental abuse.

This article also took me back to a module we had at the beginning of the semester—where I wrote in a discussion thread that it’s funny that masculinity is seen as a structurally and concretely defined concept, but is just essentially whatever femininity is not at the time—and I suppose it’s feminine to be romantically attracted to men. Why are men so afraid to indulge in anything that even slightly strays away from the hegemonic characteristics of dominance and aggression, and seems closer to femininity?

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