Sunday, November 19, 2017

Kevin Spacey- using homosexuality as a get out of jail free card

Kevin Spacey has recently come out as a gay man after allegations of an unwanted sexual advance towards Anthony Rapp when he was just a fourteen-year old boy. In 1986, these two actors were working on the set of Broadway together. Spacy 26 at the time, claims he does not remember the incident. Spacey recently admitted to having sexual encounters with both men and women, but recently angered many fans by coming out as gay right after sexual harassment and misconduct incidents. Why come out of the closet now? Is it to cover up the recent story involving these allegations? Kevin Spacey had turned the serious topic of sexual assault into being the victim of the situation. Blaming it on a night where he had drank too much alcohol and got “handsy” as a result. I mean come on Kevin; we can’t just use the gay card to get your life back on track with your career. 

A Two time Oscar winner, Kevin Spacey currently plays a powerful position as a government authority in the Netflix series “House of Cards”. Rapp became public about this issue because of the recent sexual assault and harassment claims involving Spacey and women. With huge criticism of his actions, Netflix has become a toxic work environment, with a production assistant accusing him with physically assaulting her. With rumors of Netflix canceling production of any new episodes of the new season, Spacey has left everyone shocked and confused. Kevin Spacey’s actions towards men such as groping has shed a negative predatory nature for the actor. I believe Netflix had made the appropriate decision to cancel the show to show to demonstrate no tolerance for such behaviors towards cast members, men, and women he has sexually violated. Kevin Spacey’s ruthless behavior on the show casts the perfect masculine role in which he pushes the limits to get what he wants: status and power. In this situation his aggressive predatory nature will not be tolerated. Kevin Spacey has bestowed emotional and psychological harm around him. Treating people like sexual conquests is inappropriate and should not be accepted in the workplace or elsewhere.

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