Sunday, November 12, 2017

Shh... It's only....

This entire rape culture secret in Hollywood shit is just killing me.  Obviously as someone NOT in Hollywood - I hear about as much as the media allows me to hear.... or in previous years more so of what I chose to believe.  As I've grown in age, I've grown in knowledge.  Yes I've always been a feminist (or at least at different times I've called myself one and each time the definition might have been a little different too) but I've also been that celebrity fan who didn't want to believe it.  I remember when Rose McGowen first came out about Harvey Winstein.  I remember she was almost never heard from again.  Silenced for speaking out against one of the most powerful men in Hollywood.  I, like the rest of America, forgot about it because it wasn't thrown in my face - probably because I didn't want to deal with my own past.  Now over the past 3 months Rose has become a martyr for sexual victims which has led to a string of holy shit... now him???

And yesterday I saw this article on Louis C.K.  I realized that I've watched this guy literally admit his crimes on stage!  And the sickening thing to me is I laughed at it.  Of course no one really knew that he was assaulting women but he literally stood there - straight, white, cisgender male privilege glory - telling the world what he does... and we all just laughed.

When will we wake up?

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