Tuesday, November 21, 2017

What does it mean to be masculine?

I googled "Masculinity" and this photo popped up. I thought it would be interesting to talk about this photo because it seems to show all of the traits that a masculine person would have. There's so many words linking to strength and power. I noticed that the word "emotionless" is in this photo. That word made me upset because it is basically saying that showing emotions is for feminine people. It's saying that in order to have masculinity, you can't express yourself freely. This photo has a theme of dominance and leadership, which is good but those traits are not exclusive to masculinity. A lot of people have the traits that are in this photo and they do not have to be masculine to have those traits. I also noticed that all of these traits seem to be a positive thing to have. I find that interesting because a lot of women who have these traits are often seen as "whores", "bitches", or "manly". People are socialized into putting masculinity in a box and limiting it to just boys. 

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