Thursday, October 18, 2018

Sexual Harassment at Foxtail Coffee

Foxtail Accepts Resignation of COO

Something that many students in Orlando have already heard about; the COO of Foxtail has just resigned due to sexual harassment claims from a long time employee. This article describes that the employee tweeted:

"I reported the COO of the company I was at for sexual harassment. I was told to accept an apology that I felt would not be sincere. I was left for a couple weeks to still work with this person and feel even more uncomfortable then I did when I could just laugh off his comments. Then when I reported I was still uncomfortable and I would be giving my notice to not work with this person I was told to just not come back, leaving me out the salary that I would have collected."  

The article also stated that she was "blamed for 'rallying' other members of the staff to leave" and that two other employees have since left because of the hostile environment.

I have multiple friends and people I follow on social media who are closely tied to this event and its heartbreaking to read how helpless they have felt up until this point. There didn't seem to be any hope for accountability in the company as all the upper management had turned a blind eye to the harassment. I'm so relieved that this brave woman has received some form of justice in the resignation of her harasser. Stories like this always make you think, how many other instances of sexual harassment are going on in other big companies, chains, and local businesses that haven't been reported? How much longer are men going to be able to use their power to subjugate and silence the women they're harassing? I hope that the strength of this woman can help continue this wave of calling out abusers.

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