Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Toxic masculinity at a sports bar

Toxic masculinity is so toxic it poisons men themselves. At my job as a hostess, I’m required to open the door for everyone that is leaving. The insane thing is how many men get mad at this. They say, “It’s ridiculous that they make you open the door for us.” They even try to trick us by saying that they’re just going to the bathroom and then make a run for the door to get it for themselves. Women always just call it great customer service. Men either take it as an emasculation or an opportunity to flirt with us. Working at a sports restaurant/bar already means that the testosterone is running high, with men constantly screaming at the TVs when their team wins/loses. They yell for everything. They display hegemonic masculinity constantly, asserting their dominance whenever they can over us as hostesses or servers (there’s only two male servers in the whole place). The first night I worked there, a drunk man grabbed my hand and kissed it, and then proceeded to say “nothing bad happened” when my manager came to kick him out. The managers, despite all being men, are on our side. One of my managers is much younger than the rest, and I think him being a millennial is one of the reasons why he’s so proactive in making sure that all of us are protected. Another one of my managers said if someone grabbed me anywhere, I could “slug them” and he would escort them right out. Still, working there has made me notice even more that this culture of toxic masculinity poisons men themselves. Even if I was at the mall, I would hold the door for the people behind me because it’s common courtesy to me. But every time I put my hands on that door handle, men feel this slight emasculation, because it’s ingrained in their brains that to be a man, to be masculine, they have to complete actions like opening the door for women. It’s just one of many examples of how hegemonic masculinity dominates a man’s life if they really want to be considered the stereotype of masculinity. 

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