Sunday, October 7, 2018

Violence Against Women -- It's A Men's Issue

Violence Against Women -- It's A Men's Issue

The TED talk above highlights the responsibilities men hold in taking accountability, policing other men, and preventing violence against women. As the speaker Jackson Katz discusses, when men hear the topic of "gender issues", they immediately assume that to not pertain to them as they are the dominant group and don't have issues to be addressed.

A very prolific point Katz makes is:
"This is one of the ways that dominant systems maintain and reproduce themselves, which is to say the dominant group is rarely challenged to even think about its dominance, because that's one of the key characteristics of power and privilege, the ability to go unexamined, lacking introspection, in fact being rendered invisible, in large measure, in the discourse about issues that are primarily about us. And this is amazing how this works in domestic and sexual violence, how men have been largely erased from so much of the conversation about a subject that is centrally about men."

I'm usually very weary about consuming media pertaining to women from white men, as they inherently aren't able to speak on the subject authentically. However, as violence against women IS a men's issue, I wanted to see what Katz would have to say on it and I was pleasantly surprised on how respectfully and eloquently addressed the subject.

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