Tuesday, November 13, 2018

4 Espresso Shots on the Rocks

Whenever I go to a coffee shop, I always feel self-conscious about my order. While taste changes allow me to now drink coffee with milk only, my introductory cups had more cream and sugar than brew. I am also terrible at handling caffeine: a cup of coffee had me bouncing off the walls and full of anxiety. I remember my freshman year of college, I was hanging out with a guy I had a crush on when my friend walked up with an iced coffee. When my friend said she was sipping four espresso shots over ice, he was blown away. "I can barely handle three!" he exclaimed. I could not handle one. I felt inadequate, left out of this world of coffee drinkers.

This article from Bitch is a great piece on the gendered nature of coffee. How one takes their coffee, and where they go to get it, has social consequences. 

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