Saturday, November 10, 2018

A Star, A Queen, Reuben Kaye.

Reuben Kaye is a London-based performer who brings a unique blend of drag, cabaret, and comedy to his shows. He identifies as male, but embodies both feminine and masculine traits in a magnificent style all his own. He is known to captivate his audience, and as such his shows would sell out quickly. In the interview that I have included above, Reuben Kaye says that the makeup (which impressively enough he does himself) "serves to hyper-masculinize" him.

This is interesting because it not only challenges the notion that boys/men shouldn't wear makeup, it flips it on it's head. Makeup is widely thought to feminize an individual, so Reuben makes a statement by saying that it does the exact opposite of that. Many other drag queens/performers cite makeup as an important tool in their gender fluidity whereas others simply enjoy makeup as a creative outlet.

Reuben, and other men in makeup, inspire and influence young men all over the world to pursue interests that are wrongly gendered. This interview serves as an example of why drag, as an art, is important and meaningful.

Thank you for reading.

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