Monday, November 12, 2018

Chelsea Peretti - I wish I was a guy

One of my favorite things to do is watch Stand Up shows and stand-up comedy is mostly composed of a "boy's club", it has for a very long time been dominated by men - and most of those men have been making jokes about women. I think it is probably because of this issue that I have in turn only really watched mostly female or non-binary or queer non-gender conforming comedians. I grew vary tired of men's commentary on women, which was what most of the stand up in my early age consisted of.

This is one of my favorite bits of Chelsea Peretti's One of the Greats stand up tour. This wonderful comedian usually tends to create satire-like work. She has written a play that is a hilarious mockery of what every "classic American play" sounds like. Here she is making fun of the typical raunchy behavior that straight cis males mostly dive into in some of their sets.

It does indeed paint every man as being thought-less and overtly confident, which in fact it kind of taps into how insecure they mostly are without even realizing it at times.

Part of me wishes that some of her statements were not so generic when it comes to men, but it is still wonderfully hilarious. There are other strong commentaries on typical male comedian actions, as well as some unfortunate bashing of other women. In her defense, this was made years ago and she (along with us and most of society) has grown a lot since then. Enjoy!

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