Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Every time I stroll through my Instagram I get bombarded by misogyny. It bothers me because I do not find the light in the sexist jokes and post. I feel pain. The pain I feel is of all the women, or men, that don’t feel good enough, the ones that accept being treated bad because they do not fit in with the gender roles of what they should and shouldn’t do thus feel undeserving. Almost everyone knows about double standards, but no one is taking it seriously. Women try to flip the script on men but “an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.” We should not ignore that everyone haves’ different experiences. Today, roles are being blended. Women can work, men can stay home. We learn to get with what works for us, rather than expectations, but people are still pushing gender roles rather that equal division of labor for couples. Equality seems far from the goals of many my age because we are still clinging to an idea of what it means to be a man or a woman. People are quick to point out what’s not “normal” in someone else before they self-reflect on what made them who they are and what would happen if they where born in the opposite position.


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