Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Something that I have been thinking about a lot lately is the concept of "gatekeeping," or the limiting of access to someone or a group of people. I've noticed this the most in things like nerd culture, gaming culture, and music. Specifically men limiting access to women. In the photo that I attached below, a person openly states that they believe women need to prove themselves in order to be accepted into a community, in this case, the gaming community. However, they also state that they don't believe men need to do the same. Men are often taken at face value, they are given more credit. Women are often labeled as posers at first until they have adequately proved themselves "true" fans.

Also, note the last comment the original poster made, they make a period joke. This goes along with the notion that women are irrational and bitchy whenever they speak their minds. These kinds of jokes, along with gate-keeping, are a way of further deeming women and reinforcing the norms of masculinity.

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