Tuesday, November 13, 2018


I would like to start by saying mansplaining is actually the worst. Nothing good can ever come of it, and men come off as ignorant and insecure when they do it. Not a single woman has ever appreciated being talked down to, and many times they know way more about the subject than the mansplainer does. However, this event is inevitable and it happened to me recently on my own Facebook page. I've been mansplained so many times that I've lost count. It happens on social media, dating sites, and my everyday life. I work in a hospital and I work very closely with doctors, residents, PA's and ARNP's. The thing about masculinity is that it is so fragile these days. When it comes to male doctors, you also have ego to worry about. So, what to do when you get mansplained? I mansplain them back. I well, actually them back. It's very simple and I highly recommend it. It's the only way to change the dialogue between men and women. If men learn that women are well actually, smart, they may think twice the next time they try to mansplain. Here are a few articles on mansplaining. If you are male or identify as a male, it may help you understand how to word things in the future. If you are a woman, or identify as a woman, you can be comforted that you are not alone. 

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