Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Try Guys Get Photoshopped Like Women

I’ve seen this video a while ago however it was suggested to me recently and realized it fits perfectly under the subject regarding objectification, specifically the objectification men receive but don’t necessarily realize it until they are made aware of it. In a previous module, we were asked if we feel as though men are objectified to which I responded yes, however not to the degree in which women are. Also, there is the element of power that men have which women do not possess when the objectification is flipped. Because I am interested in fashion design, I know the importance of a great editorial but I also understand the underlying responsibility with what’s presented and how. I feel what the Try Guys highlight in the video as a whole is the very frightening and harmful message heavy photoshop and editing sends to consumers, specifically the more impressionable children that see the images and use that as the standard by which they judge not only themselves but the people around them.

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