Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Violent Men, Dating, and the Internet!

This weeks film "WarZone" has drawn out some PTSD in me via online dating. These men were constantly cat-calling and saying different things. However, once confronted, they were like "get out of here" and "you're okay" and "you're like a 5." Let me just say, that most of these men were 3's and that is being nice. There wasn't a bunch of attractive and approachable looking men that were being derogatory to Mary. Most of these men were gross, sweaty, and overweight. Literally nothing to look at. However, they think that they get an opinion on how a complete stranger looks. This leads me to the world on online dating. The rules are basically the same, but now you have a profile specifically for men to cat-call you. This is called Tinder and Bumble, or, hell as I like to call it. These men start out very thirsty and sing your high praises. They call you beautiful, smart, driven, etc. Then, the minute you say (very nicely) thanks, but no thanks, the tone changes. All of the sudden they say things like "you're a dumb bitch" and "you weren't that hot anyways" and things that I don't really want to type out. Luckily, BuzzFeed did that for me! There are several collections online of women being completely degraded online just because they said NO. Men cannot handle that word, and they hate to feel powerless. So, they lash out instead. If you are a man and want to know what not to say to women, read the following link. If you are a woman who wants to know if they should join Tinder, read the following link. If you are a Tinder survivor like me, maybe some of your screenshots made the cut. Here is how men feel like they should treat women when they are rejected...

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