Tuesday, November 13, 2018

What's the Deal with All These Women???

Last week I was in Southern California visiting friends and family. My grandparents and I were watching this show about a family in Alaska and the preview for the next episode showed that there was going to be an all women cattle drive. Suddenly my poppy burst out "what's the deal with all these women? I'm all for equality and equal pay and all of that but women don't have to do EVERYTHING". Nobody really said anything. At this point, I had been exposed to a 24 hour Fox News marathon while the election was going on and I just didn't have the energy to say anything. I also just thought it was a silly comment in general. The women were doing the cattle drive because they didn't have a choice. They were the only ones that were going to be around to do it. It had nothing to do with the fact that they're women. But I learned something about my poppy that day. Women should not do everything even though they can. But what if we want to? I shouldn't do something just because men can also do that and I don't "have" to do it? It was a bizarre and unnecessary comment, which is ultimately why I let it go. He was just looking for a reaction.

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