Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Not Your Decision

While reading this article, several things came to mind. One of the main thoughts that kept popping up is the role reversal a man is experiencing.

I often come across stories, videos, and pictures of men being put in situations that women are often regulated to and all of a sudden the situation is unbearable or “is not the same.” Men can’t handle the situations women are put in on a day to day basis but often argue that it’s not the same thing. In this case, a man encouraged a woman to keep a pregnancy and was in disbelief that she disappeared and wanted nothing to do with the child when she didn’t want the child to begin with. She wanted an abortion but he wanted to keep the pregnancy. She agreed but told him she wanted nothing to do with the child after they were born. He claims that she is a deadbeat mother even though she is paying 125% of the court ordered child support. But wait a second…
Let’s look at the definition of a “deadbeat dad” given on dictionary.com:

1.   a father who neglects his responsibilities as a parent, esp. one who does not pay child support to his estranged wife.

I do not see how this man views his previous partner as a dead beat parent. I do see though, how his resentment can lead to neglect and possible abuse to his child in the future. The man should not have asked for a child when he had the option discontinue the situation from the beginning.

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