Monday, October 7, 2019

Gillette short film: can it change the future of masculine behavior?

I stumbled across this YouTube video yesterday and knew I had to make a post about it. It is a short film by Gillette about the best men can be. It begins by showing how typical men act and make excuses for their behavior (i.e. "boys will be boys"). Then, the angles change, saying that times are changing and shows men taking responsibility and standing up for what they know is right in terms of respecting women and teaching young boys how to behave. The video ends by saying that the only way we can change and better men for good is by showing young boys how to be better by men bettering themselves. I found this short film to be moving and gave me faith in the male population that they can be better and young boys do have the potential to change the definition of masculine behavior. More advertisements like this for men could possibly have a strong impact on men's behavior because our society is constantly being influenced by media and advertising. If other advertisements for men can influence them so easily, why should this be any different?

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