Sunday, November 10, 2019

Disney: Buff or Bust

When we watch Disney movies we see a lot of stereotypes, cliches, and gender norms. It is apparent in most Disney movies, such as Beauty and the Beast, Pocahontas, and Hercules and if a the male figure in the film isn't buff and strong they are nothing. In many of these films, such as the video above we see songs strictly dedicated to talking about how strong and masculine the male characters are in the film. We don't see these buff characters as anything else but strong, fighters, princess-saving men. Disney fails to encompass a man who may like another man, a man who dresses more feminine, or a man who has any other interests then women, and being buff.  In this song from Hercules we see the refer to Hercules as a "zero" when he was skinny and wasn't fighting battles but when he got muscular and started fighting he was now seen as a "hero". I believe that this gives young boys a narrow view of what it means to be a man just like Disney does for girls and fitting into the "princess" category.

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