Thursday, November 7, 2019

GQ's "New Masculinity" Issue and its Backlash

pharrell on the cover of gq's new masculinity issue for november 2019
October's issue of GQ marked a new era for the magazine. With Pharrell Williams on the cover, having a discussion about an evolving masculinity seems natural and timely. Pharrell, who is no stranger to spiritual evolving, speaks about his changing non-binary sense of style and about knowing his limits when it comes to gender expression. What is overwhelming about this article and spread is the confidence that Pharrell has. He speaks humbly, which he attributes to gaining over time, and is secure in his masculinity. Really the message of the whole "New Masculinity" issue and this new era for men is marked by taking steps to feel secure in their masculinity that stray from the toxic ways that men are taught to be. To see Pharrell in big beautiful gowns and pastel coats feel organic, fluid, and unconventionally manly.

pharrell standing with legs crossed opening his coat
Interestingly enough, I stumbled upon the GQ article from a christian news outlet called The Christian Post. What struck me about this reaction article from The Christian Post was just how negative and hateful it was. The writer openly knocks down Pharrell's ideology and despite reading the whole article, missed the overall point of the issue. Like Pharrell, he claims that there is a spiritual warfare going on in this country but it's one targeted at dressing men up like women and identifying as transgendered. The sharp contrast of Pharrell's confidence, humility, and self-awareness with the bitter, unaccepting spirit of the writer from The Christian Post, shows me just how far we have to go in this area. I implore you to read both articles to understand both sides and to reflect on your position in the matter. As someone who likes to play around with fashion, it still astonishes me how much clothing plays a role in social issues and activism. I applaud Pharrell in his efforts and hope that the "New Masculinity" issue opens a dialogue on a subject that's not new although the conversation may be.

GQ's "New Masculinity" issue:

The Christian Post's reaction to "New Masculinity":

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