Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Masculine and Feminine Love

Image result for tough love             Image result for gentle love          

In the article, In Praise of Masculine Love by Trevor Loudon of the Epoch Times Loudon discusses how masculinity has changed into being dangerous or toxic and how especially Western society has forgotten its masculine roots. Loudon also references the fact that he believes there are two types of loves, feminine and masculine and that masculine love is different but just as important as feminine love. An example that Loudon referenced was a story about a son who turned to drugs and would no longer live by the house rules the mother provided unconditional love and support but that did not keep the son from stopping his drug usage. The father finally decided that he needed to intervene and drove his son to a parking lot and left him there if and until his son decided that he could live by the rules and realize that he was loved. The father found it very difficult to leave his son there and was in agony for the 5 days he was son out of the house, but he knew his tough love approach was something that his son needed. The father did not love his son any less than his mother did he just needed to express it in a different way to try and help his son.

While some may consider the fathers approach tough and too drastic others will recognize that the mother’s softer approach was of no help to her son fighting his addiction either. Loudon was trying to show with the story that masculine love is not harsh, unforgiving or needing to be suppressed. I believe that people in general need both masculine and feminine love and both of those loves do not need to be demonstrated by their assigned gender. Instead, a man can and should show feminine and masculine love as should a woman. The titles these two different love types have received should restricted to their gender as the name implies but rather should be embraced by all and distributed to people at each point in their life that the particular love should be demonstrated.

                                            In Praise of Masculine Love

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