Friday, November 8, 2019

Masculinity is Masking Anxiety

This article caught my attention because anxiety is one of the most common types of mental disorders, but I hardly ever think about how it must be for a man to have anxiety.

According to the article,
"Psychologists and  researchers who study anxiety note that it's men with anxiety who tend to fly under the radar when it comes to treatment:Since symptoms of anxiety are self-reported, clinicians and researchers who study anxiety and depression suspect the number of men with anxiety are underestimated. Concerningly, the data shows men are four times more likely than women to die from suicide."
They used an example of Kevin Love, who realized that his mental health was affecting his ability to play basketball, which was a fact that surprised many people despite anxiety, again, being one of the most common types of mental disorders.

It seems like from the beginning of time, men are taught to not accurately process their feelings or do anything remotely vulnerable in fear of being considered "feminine ."

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