Sunday, November 10, 2019

No Shave November..The Women's Turn

Most people have heard of "No Shave November" which is where men don't shave their facial hair for the whole month of November to raise awareness for cancer patients. You wouldn't typically see a woman participating in this event because women are for the most part always trying to get hid or get rid of facial hair to conform to beauty trends. This year the female razor brand Billie is telling the world that it's okay for women not to shave their mustaches. Most all women have a mustache in one way or another but Billie is finally saying, "Hey women can embrace their mustaches and raise awareness as well."

I believe this is a big game changer for females as they can embrace their natural body hair. It is an image we don't see very often but some women don't want to conform to these beauty norms and get rid of their mustaches. The ad wants people to see that women can make the same contributions to such cancer campaigns as men can without it making them masculine.

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