Saturday, November 9, 2019

#noshaveNovember-women edition

So I was at the gym this morning and I was on a leg extension machine, I extended my leg and thought “Wow, I guess I haven’t shaved my legs in a minute- it’s quite obvious”. I do shave my legs, but that’s not the premise of this blog post. Quite honestly, my first thought was “Hm, I wonder if anyone saw my legs hairy like this- what would they think?” I answered (in my brain obviously) why does it even matter if someone saw and what their thoughts are about my body hair? I’m not one to be particularly concerned about other people’s thoughts about me, I could care less. But I’m curious to understand why my first thought was my concern about someone elses opinion about MY body hair. I’m sure it has to do with society’s construct that looks at women that don’t shave as some taboo, and if you don’t shave- “it’s gross”. It baffles me, and also strikes me as extremely stupid. I like to shave, and that’s okay. Other people don’t like to shave, and that’s okay too. I just believe that society shouldn’t look at women as not shaving as a big deal, or even a deal at all. Because it perpetuates a subconscious idea that I can’t shave because, “it’s not what a women should do”.

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