Friday, November 1, 2019

The Bad Feminist

I’ve read this book so many times, and it still preaches to me! The book, “Bad Feminist” by Roxane Gay analyzes and critics herself and how she (in a way) contradicts herself when it comes to the feminist ideology. Calling herself, a“ bad feminist”. She gives examples regarding the taste in music she sometimes enjoys, though it can be degrading and demeaning towards women. Which, I can relate to. I too, from time to time listen to music that projects a negative attitude towards women. Another example Gay gives is that she shaves. Which not shaving doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a feminist, but often times most feminists do. Which, I can also relate too because I shave. While relating to pop culture and her own experiences, Gay understands that herself and no one is perfect but it is best to keep feminism as simple as possible even if it can be a little complex.

It’s a great read!

Here is also a link to an article she wrote pertaining to her book!

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