Monday, November 4, 2019

We Want a Leader, Not a Creepy Tweeter

We would be remiss to continue this conversation about masculinity, both the toxic and
nontoxic, without mentioning our current Commander-In-Chief. The man exhibits such
drive to exert himselfas a presence of power, and continues to fail and make a mockery
of himself and the office that he holds. He is obviously intimidated by his powerful
colleagues on the other side of the aisle, namely Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
Using his Twitter account for reference, he tweeted a picture of himself in a what appears
to be a meeting with Madam Speaker and many of their white-male colleagues. In the photo
Pelosi is the only one standing, she is point at Trump and appears to be sternly speaking
toward him, while he sits there and stares. He posts this photo to Twitter with the caption
“Nervous Nancy’s unhinged meltdown!” There is a lot to unpack here, specifically his notions
of a powerful woman within the government being unhinged simply because she is disagreeing
with and berating him. This shows that the man is clearly insecure about his own power and
influence and is seeking to downgrade Pelosi’s. 

These tactics were also observed throughout the 2016 Presidential Election. Trump
continued to attack Hillary Clinton, not because of her policies or her opinions, but
because of her womanhood. Her hair, clothes, and marriage were constantly attacked
more than her political policies. His beratement of women doesn’t stop there.
The infamous “blood coming out of her.. Wherever” quote was targeted at Fox New host,
Megyn Kelly, when she voiced her disapproval of his demeanor towards women.

As we compare these attacks on women to the attacks of their male colleagues, these
attacks are less gendered and less personal. Trump’s comments on Chuck Schumer,
Senate Minority Leader, pertain to his second-in-command to Nancy Pelosi
(note, he is in a lesser position than Speaker Pelosi). These remarks are meant to
emasculate Schumer and discredit his power as compared to Pelosi. Bernie Sanders
has faced scrutiny from President Trump during his election processes, but at least
these revolve around his political views as a self-proclaimed Socialist and not his
pant suits. To finish the list, male Fox News hosts do not usually find themselves as
the subjects of Trump’s comments but many of these men would not be on
the side of Trump opposition. 

Donald Trump continues to exhibit traits of toxic masculinity through his disrespect to
his female and queer constituents. My only conclusion to draw is that he is insecure
about his own masculinity and is seeking to discredit other people in hopes of building
up his own. As a watchful observer, I’d say he is unsuccessful

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