Sunday, November 10, 2019

You're pretty for your age

This post was inspired by another post on this blog, "I don't even know your name", which talks about a server’s experience with men. I work in a hotel restaurant, so often times we have a lot of lonely (and/or single/ready to cheat on their wives) business men traveling through. The restaurant in the hotel I work in includes a big open bar in the center. As a hostess, I stand in the front of the restaurant, which is in the main lobby of the hotel. I am one of the first faces people see when walking in. Often times men come in the hotel with their luggage, and head straight to the bar. My hostess stand is immediately in front of the bar. The amount of snarky/ catcall like comments I've received from men is disgusting. 
These are the men who usually "flaunt" their worth, whether it be throwing their high paying job title into our conversation, wearing flashy designer items/jewelry, or them flat out expressing that they have money they are willing to spend if they receive what they desire. I think it’s interesting how men who have a greater amount of power, whether it be wealth or social status think they are entitled to say and act how they please. The snarkiest men I've met are often the richest, because they believe they are untouchable. 
A good example for a wealthy snarky man is Donald Trump. One statement Trump said was "Grab them by the pussy.”

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